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Age 29

Joined on 3/24/07

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Xinxinix's News

Posted by Xinxinix - May 7th, 2021




(Art Talks Playlist)

(Join the Discord)



(GIF by meulinex)





HI RES: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10












Posted by Xinxinix - April 27th, 2021




(I suggest either via Art Portal or dumping grounds link share)

(and maybe tag it "art office hours 2021" so ppl can find it)



Please, everyone, lend me your strength in the form of words on a keyboard (virtual or real) or maybe even a small voice clip that you send to me on Discord that gets you blocked in point-five minutes because it's just a recording of you eating a bag of potato chips.

Did you:

  • Enjoy the event?
  • Wish there was more to it?
  • Hope for more audience interaction?
  • Want different topics to be covered?
  • Prefer if there were more events like this?

Well, hot damn, tell me in the comments below! Otherwise, I'll have no reason to continue seeing if @PhantomArcade is still interested in attending and getting a hold of Jeff to teach Flash CS3 animation techniques.

THE VIDEOS ARE HERE (with permission!)

For everyone who missed the event, here is your chance to see the Art Office Hours (mostly) in action.

I apologize in advance for my sloppy footage coverage--I'm used to being able to just chill out and enjoy myself, but streaming is a whole 'nother demon. Consider everything you don't get to see more of a reason to attend the next one in person. There's a much greater sense in my editing and streaming capabilities now, so I can hope to offer a much cleaner recording experience next time.

Without further ado... here are the recorded live streams!


(also, do not bother anyone whose stream isn't available publicly)

@milkyace and @TwoSipsofBleach

The Art of Sex Appeal

@Bacun and @Piku184

Drawpile & Doodles


Animating in Clip Studio Paint

@Cubesona and @Oolongearlgrey

Character Design

@AetherionArt and @LukeValentineArt

Comic Development

@hcnone and @SoftDon

Q&A/Chill Hangout Session

@FuShark and @mogy64

Maintaining Artist Health

Thanks again to everyone who attended, and everyone that participated!

It was a great time ^^

(Bouncing Xin animated by rtil)




Posted by Xinxinix - April 22nd, 2021

Oh, hey, I didn't see you there!

Are you an artist? Do you enjoy art? Are there a few artists you look up to? Would you like to learn more about art from your fellow NG peers?

Well, hot damn, do I have an event for you!

Complete with 16 artists and an incredible 16.5 hours scheduled, an art event like you've (probably) never seen before will be held on @TheNewgroundsPodcast's Discord server. Rooms specifically for streaming will be set up to accommodate an audience and allow for easy interaction with the scheduled artists. It's talking, it's big-brain discussions, it's chilling, it's first-hand learning with your eyes and ears, it's art!

Ask questions! Throw popcorn at your screen! Learn something!

We're talking the art of sex appeal, 3D rendering, interactive character design, maintaining your health as an artist, and much more! This event will unravel throughout the day and become one of the most educational, chill environments that a Saturday has ever seen on Discord. There's practically nothing you couldn't learn just from hanging out.

Join us this Saturday on April 24th anytime from 10:00am to 2:30am EST the following day for...



@TheNewgroundsPodcast's Discord: bit.ly/ngpdiscord

Bring your best attitude, and maybe some friends too ;D

Scheduled Artists:

[10:00am - 11:30am EST] @milkyace & @TwoSipsofBleach

[11:30am - 1:00pm EST] @Bacun & @Piku184

[1:00pm - 3:00pm EST] @dogl & @Potatoman

[3:00pm - 4:30pm EST] @rtil

[6:00pm - 8:30pm EST] @Cubesona & @Oolongearlgrey

[8:30pm - 10:00pm EST] @AetherionArt & @LukeValentineArt

[10:00pm - 11:30pm EST] @9Hammer

[11:30pm - 1:00am EST] @hcnone & @softdon

[1:00am - 2:30am EST] @FuShark & @mogy64

Thank you for your time, and hope to see you there~!



Posted by Xinxinix - February 21st, 2021

Sexiest Outfit Conclusion

Okie doke! It took a long time, but it's finally here; the winners of the Sexiest Outfit contest!

A big shout out to those who donated to the contest: @Moosh, @53xy83457, and @JesuL. Thank you guys so much ^^

After poring through outfit after outfit after outfit, there were lots of common themes: single-piece dresses, sleepwear, Year of the Cow, lots of reds and golds, latex, fishnets, etc.

The key to judging was finding the outliers that utilized something different while remaining in that central theme of what's considered sexy and what isn't.

Let's talk about the runner-ups.

Originality is a terribly hard concept in itself, but it becomes even more decisively hard when you're applying "Is this sexy?" on top of the idea of what's being judged. These runner-ups had me teetering for a very long time because of either their originality or their sex appeal. The real challenge was separating my bias from well-drawn art that accentuated the way I felt about the art piece as a whole--if you're a great artist, you're going to make magnificent art, but I can't let that factor into my originality decision-making process.

@Izoxie's drawing showed that armor can be sexy (which was rare to see) and it played into a sexy-but-practical outfit.

@GoldBattousai's outfit uses core concepts from a "strawberry" theme and the outfit has an incredible design that I could not take my eyes off of, but it lost out because it's not catering towards sex appeal, but rather just has phenomenal fashion design. I treasure this drawing T.T

@Edemnine was the only one to use this T-shirt design choice, and I believe if utilized with sexier clothing underneath, it could have scored higher. Athletic wear was rare to see, and this design was really refreshing~

@climeade's skirt of rose stems and interesting attire led to me thinking very highly of this piece.

@GummiDX had me from the moment I saw this drawing. The concise theme and practicality of their outfit made it score very high. There were a lot of submissions using a "desert princess" theme that included shawls, and there were a lot of submissions with chains, but Gummi's stood out against the crowd by being very succinct with their approach.

@HeroAndyNG. Newgrounds tank titty-window. Tankman theme. Gotta love it T.T

@Shine-art's drawing was hella adorable. There were a lot of maid submissions, but theirs stood out by having a design that managed to stray from what others were doing.

@lenydrawsx had a practical approach that used translucent clothing to a unique degree. Red over red just works, and out of the many translucent clothing submissions, this was the coziest and most straight-forward. There's an elegance in having the outer part of the dress be as long as it is.

I enjoy how straight-forward @BadNoodle's submission is ^^

A big thank you to everyone that participated!

I reviewed everyone's art on a stream on Twitch. I went through all the submissions in order of where they are in the Sexiest Outfit Playlists (group 1, group 2, group 3) which is chronological to when submissions were uploaded to the thread. If you would like to hear the feedback there are two videos here: 1st Recording, 2nd Recording (links are expired for now because I have to censor the nudity in the thumbnails T.T)

Without further ado, here are the winners!

5th Place: Tiyaga by @JoshikoF


Entering a male into the contest is about as original as it gets. I think there were only about 12 submissions out of the 280+ that were male candidates, and this one trumped the other submissions in term of sex appeal and design.

Darkplot's submission and 0chin's submission were very close contenders, but Joshiko used masculinity to project a stronger sense of sexiness. I think the key to having a sexy outfit on a male is to not be too over the top, and Joshiko pulled off a simple design with a well-chosen model that didn't detract from its sex appeal. I think they could have added a backpack or a big gaudy piece of equipment to their back to balance a bare midriff against a busier upper portion of the outfit while having the added bonus of adding character, but it is what it is.

0chin's design was impeccable, and I would have loved to see the fullbody version of the outfit, but only having from the knees up detracts points in an outfit contest, unfortunately ^^; And in terms of sexiness, Darkplot's pose and model exuded a stronger sex appeal than 0chin's.


- - -

4th Place: Sexiest outfit of 2021 by @Banjabu


The only submission to pull off a dessert-themed outfit. Halfway through the first day of judging, I was seriously wondering why there weren't more submissions using whipped cream or desserts to their advantage. And then I came across this jewel.

Everything was well thought out for this design. My favorite part being the caramel and chocolate swirls in the leggings because it offsets the pure white in a very creative way.

- - -

3rd Place: Q.D. by @FuShark


Many, many, many, many one-piece dresses were submitted to the contest. There were a lot of spiked bracelets and anklets, too, but what sets this outfit away from the others is the pure elegance of it.

The deep cut down the middle being executed seamlessly while leading into a single-sided translucent skirt balances this outfit from one side to the other. As a viewer, you understand from the model's confident pose that this is gorgeous.

Revealing, sexy, and yet perfectly balanced--like a fine wine.

- - -

2nd Place: Spade by @Camuri


What *is* sexy?

Well, cat outfits, I guess. There were quite a few submissions like this, and Camuri's wouldn't have stood out if it weren't for the excellent design execution. In fact, this wouldn't have placed, but the large hands gripping her thighs are such a unique aspect that it's impossible to not be awe-struck by it.

A large part of me started enjoying seeing bigger parts of attire being used--huge gloves, big rings, large spikes--there's a nice aspect to big ornamental pieces that cause your model to look smaller that in-turn gives off intelligent sex appeal. Nothing makes you think sex appeal more than gripping. Having a part of your outfit being something that literally grips your skin is really appealing and interesting idea.

Beyond this idea, there's the addition that Camuri used a lot of clothing that doesn't over encumber their main idea. A zipped-open hoodie is a sexy concept if used properly, and the way the light-blue zipper matches the vibrant shoes was a nice touch.

A lot of the choices for this outfit were brilliant, and all the while the model herself plays into the overall mood.

Hella exceptional~

- - -

1st Place: Jaky's sexiest outfit by @Sony-Shock


So, let's talk casual outfits.

There was a lot of sleepwear, t-shirts, underwear, and some really nicely thought-out casual ware. Here are some of my favorites:

@Sony-Shock takes first place because it has a very unique concept. It's casual ware but with a tasteful twist. Skeleton bones are a great implementation for creating an original outfit; I think the true strength lies in where this is basic clothing but with an alluring aspect to it. To take something commonplace and add the right touch to enhance the overall appeal--now that takes vision.

Nothing about this outfit is over-the-top, and yet it's very attractive from the execution. A seriously great idea brought to light by intelligent composition.

Sexy, edgy, and somewhat metal--there's a lot to love.

- - -

Well, that about does it! A huge thank you to everyone that submitted!

I hope everyone had fun and enjoyed the contest~!

I understand if you don't want to be tagged if you didn't win, but it's in everyone's rite to know how the contest ended if they participated. It's better to tag everyone than to leave anyone in the dark.

@0chin @666syrup @A-lieN @Acerbus-Sigil @AcetheSuperVillain @AngelStarFuture311 @AngelusD @Annie-Mae @Antizombieproduction @AphrosAnimation @avenuestorytime @AXOLOTLE @BadNoodle @Balrog-Bean-820 @Banjubu @Bergasmaschi @bigtboss @BillyScribbles @BombsAhoy @Bro-son33 @BusterB98 @buttuniverse @bveebop @CacklingPumpkins @CalipsoUwU @Camuri @carmine3 @castledoctrine @Catarinetri @cblue8282 @cCuntu @cdlum @cecameron @Chasquared @chimp-shrimp @climeade @ConnorGrail @coystags @Cprecaution @CrosEl @CSGameGalaxy @Cuadraws @Cukkucake @CurlyFreak @CzySzy @DarkPlot @DavidAragon95 @DearDecay @DH6966 @DiscoGuyOYeah @dogmuth-behedog @Dr-Tyang @DrawXAngel @Dreeemy @DroolingDemon @Durigakkin @Edemnine @erectoner @Esmachmat @FanorZ @FedorableX @flammalux @Flannagan-the-Red @Fooskee @funnee @FuShark @GayCatDaddy @GennDude @geoWaffle @GoldBattousai @greenminthead @grossfoots @Gulthrax @GummiDX @Haydret @HeadofNyx @HellfireDancing @HeroAndy214 @Herodark @imIcyWind @Isadomon @IssaSnipe @Iviqrr @Izoxie @J-Nelson @jankyjunko @JayuTab @jellymeyer @Jkjrrated @JordanHillArt @JoshikoF @Kaibyaku @Kanori-Sauce @khicher @Kichijiro @KieAtelier @Kiwiko09 @L1mzal @LaithozWorld @lenydrawsx @LimaBream @LittleViktoria @LobsterMango @Lordkingu @LovenSefu @LucaTheHuman @luSZtar @MakiSchleim @Makoart18 @massivemarioluigi700 @MaxwellMadison @MaziqArtGround @MikhailKaminsky @MintyMinus @Missy-Meow @MisterFatso @Mockument @mogy64 @monquu @MonsieurZim @MonsterSol @moongoat425 @mouthfullofcherries @Namhain-eroart @nek0ai @Neosoda @NethermanMC @NickSenny @NicoGGHere @NigelsPearTree @Nim-Ations @NocturneReverie @NolandNG @NoobPanda4 @NoodleDoodlesLewds @NORONIKO @Noshilo @nuclear-smash @OBBazaar @ohmyseki @OmegaLuxifer @Oni-Garth @orenji-sama @Orlek-sketch @Oxy3 @Patosky @pearlnecklace @PerKGrok @PhantomZ2 @pizza602 @pointlessfield @PoisonLion @poppyjewl @Prawn4ever @predatorboss512 @pukijr @Quarujee @QueenKami @RafaTheBeat @RatKingdomComix @RebeccaDoodles @redogna @Ribbon-Dove @riversouls @Schreckengast @Shadowcat5150 @Shine-art @SinL0rd @sketchdumb @SketchOverseer @skid181 @SleepyPine @SOLjack-arts @SomeTinyCritter @Sony-Shock @Sophex @SpikeyLotus @squareofthelightones @SSNormandie @starlocodraws @suicitem @SuperPhil64 @TamashiHoshi @TediousFruit @TheDyingSun @TheHauntressX @thelitterbx @thenewkid007 @TheOtherSider @TheSlimyDude @TioKing03 @Titilonic @ToriToshi @Tripea @Underdragion @Veinom @whothefuckisjojo @WisteriaTea @WomAnime @X-TNT @XavsArt55 @Xisterie @ya-boi-pip @YourGuyTheOTi @ZetaSpiral @Zollo911



Posted by Xinxinix - February 15th, 2021

Concept Of Love


Qualified Entries: 111

# of Entrants: 102

Collection 1

Collection 2


- Anything related to love or its concepts.


- Do not depict minors with adult themes.


- Character models must be OCs you own or ones used with permission.


- The deadline is February 13th at 11:59pm PST


- Your entry must be uploaded to your profile AND posted in this thread

- Include the tag "concept of love 2021"


  • 1st place: $300
  • 2nd place: $160
  • 3rd place: $90
  • 4th place: $50


- Judging will be based on originality.

Personally, when it comes to love, I enjoy darker, grittier themes that really ache one's soul and beget questions of reasoning only substantiated through feelings of fulfillment from something or someone else.

But there's a real pleasant experience to be had seeing couples enjoying themselves. So many damn cute couples were drawn, and here are my favorite:

4th Place is rewarded to the Best Couple. The main theme from couples was that one mate completed the other, so it became rare to see the initial flabbergasted feeling we get interacting with our first loves. This unique conceptualization of a kiss between a couple with their feet in water brings about the anxious feeling we get from head-over-heels romance into serious realization.

4th Place: First crush by @SetiSpaghetti



Categorizing love as loss isn't a new concept by any means, but it definitely hits a certain nail on the head when done properly. The feeling that love is incomplete, something awaiting in the future, or something awful, can be much stronger of a feeling than actual, completed love. Favorites:

The concept that Love Is Hard sits in 3rd place, because many of our hardships that we go through are for something or someone that we love. Emotional impact is important when conceptualizing "love", and sometimes the everlasting effect on our psyche can effectively change who we are as people... and that's deep

3rd Place: Philophobia by @Canibores


So, what *is* love?

That was the main, prompted question for this contest. I've found a few of my favorites that apply a sort of definition to it:

Straight-Forward Love is the easiest describing factor for conceptualizing love. Not everything to do with love is messy, abhorrent, or dejected. Sometimes it's the easier, cozier feelings associated with love that make it inspiring. This comic does well to apply logic and reasoning onto something that normally has our minds lost in outer space. Very inspiring.

2nd Place: But What Does It Compare To? by @smallsausage

The 2nd panel is broken in the Portal upload, but the thread version is fine.


read the rest in the thread post.

So, here we are; the final stop on the Concept of Love.

Where do we go from here? Conceptualizing love is a difficult task, but a lot of entries did very well.

Here are my top favorites:

The Concept of Love as visualized by you, the artist. There are so many ways to approach this subject, and this approach had the strongest emotion.

1st Place: I Guess This Is Love by @bich0cerote


The mixture between an abstract smiling fruit-for-a-head character combined with comically large tears while staring at a impersonal floating hand holding your heart is an all-for-one excellent summarization for what the concept of love is. Fruit-Head itself is a contrasting yellow-hued color adorning a smile atop a depressing shade of purple body--a contradicting appearance immediately visible. Due to the nature of the composition (and the cartoony amount of tears) there's little to indicate what is causing this interaction, and whether or not it's actually a positive or negative moment. Having your heart torn out can be as graceful as martyrdom, or as miserable as mindless torture, and this animated drawing tips the scales on both sides.

Pro tip: All my "favorites" are organized runner-ups, meaning if 1st place didn't enter, then the top-most on my list of favorites would have won instead, and so on.

I'll be sending PMs to everyone that won for their information so I can dish out the rewards!

A Big Thank You To All The Concept Of Love Entrants!

@0chin @2FLYBASED @AngelStarFuture311 @Antizombieproduction @ARTHURS-FARM @AXOLOTLE @azumiii @BananaBread101 @BastianConst @bich0cerote @bigtboss @CacklingPumpkins @Canibores @cblue8282 @CIEIRMusic @ColonelZach @CowFDoodles @CrosEl @CSGameGalaxy @Cuadraws @Cynical2DD @dogmuth-behedog @Dynawizard98 @EdiUzuki @EpithetSoup @ethanblair @EyepodNation @Finn-dHope @FlametteSucks @FoofooCuddlypoop @FrenchDipNG @Garnet-Frost @GenzoGushiken @GoldA5S @Gomboli @GranchArt @Guileness @HAL0GUY @Halve @Helmyir @herbal-milktea @hpargonohp @itsabluebanana @Jacketgeist @JackStormYT @kaeojay @khicher @KieAtelier @KloudKat @Kromasome @L1mzal @LewdieZyna @LiteralHat @LittleViktoria @Lobotomaybe @MANUNAM @MatthewLopz @MaziqArtGround @MrFancyLan @NeoD-ray @PencilArtistEnt @PerKGrok @Pochi04 @pointlessfield @poppyjewl @Prawn4ever @predatorboss512 @pukijr @pumkinbee @Quarujee @Rachels-Studio @RatKingdomComix @Redead-ITA @redogna @Ribbon-Dove @Royal3rd @ruthzzan @SaucePit @ScarfaceOnVHS @Schiive @Schreckengast @SetiSpaghetti @Shadowcat5150 @SM28 @smallsausage @SomeTinyCritter @SSNormandie @stelamoris @TaraGraphika @TateWindom @TheDeathMeister @TheKingMood @TioKing03 @Tyangerine @Underdragion @Urichov @VegaSlash @Vinquo @wedjatpalette @yanatigana @Zollo911 @Zubster

- - - - -

Sexiest Outfit


Qualified Entries: 285

Number of Entrants: 206

Collection 1

Collection 2

Collection 3


- The most attractive outfit you can imagine on an OC you own or can use with permission.

- LIMIT of 3 entries (the first 3 posted into this thread will be accepted)


- All characters depicted must be 18 years or older.


- Character models must be OCs you own or ones used with permission.



- The deadline is February 13th at 11:59pm PST


- Your entry must be uploaded to your profile AND posted in this thread

- Include the tag "sexiest outfit 2021"

+ PRIZES: @Moosh donated $60!

  • 1st place: $280
  • 2nd place: $120
  • 3rd place: $70
  • 4th place: $50
  • 5th place: $40

Thank you @53xy83457 and @JesuL for each contributing $50 to the prizes!


- Judging will be based on originality.

Wow! Thank you to everyone that participated!

I apologize, but I am going to need more time to judge the entries. In the meantime, the Secret Santa Brigade and myself will be working on making a thread with everyone's entries.

You may be asking, "why?" but it's to stall for ti--I mean, to ask the community to vote on their favorite entries via reactions!

Entries will be posted based on how many reactions they received initially in the submission thread. The drawing with the most reactions in the newly created thread will win first prize (granted it's not a forgery) and then the other places will be left up to my discretion.

So, good luck everyone! Expect the thread either tonight or tomorrow, and I wish everyone best of luck! ^^

A Big Thank You To All The Sexiest Outfit Entrants!

@0chin @666syrup @A-lieN @Acerbus-Sigil @AcetheSuperVillain @AngelStarFuture311 @AngelusD @Annie-Mae @Antizombieproduction @AphrosAnimation @avenuestorytime @AXOLOTLE @BadNoodle @Balrog-Bean-820 @Banjubu @Bergasmaschi @bigtboss @BillyScribbles @BombsAhoy @Bro-son33 @BusterB98 @buttuniverse @bveebop @CacklingPumpkins @CalipsoUwU @Camuri @carmine3 @castledoctrine @Catarinetri @cblue8282 @cCuntu @cdlum @cecameron @Chasquared @chimp-shrimp @climeade @ConnorGrail @coystags @Cprecaution @CrosEl @CSGameGalaxy @Cuadraws @Cukkucake @CurlyFreak @CzySzy @DarkPlot @DavidAragon95 @DearDecay @DH6966 @DiscoGuyOYeah @dogmuth-behedog @Dr-Tyang @DrawXAngel @Dreeemy @DroolingDemon @Durigakkin @Edemnine @erectoner @Esmachmat @FanorZ @FedorableX @flammalux @Flannagan-the-Red @Fooskee @funnee @FuShark @GayCatDaddy @GennDude @geoWaffle @GoldBattousai @greenminthead @grossfoots @Gulthrax @GummiDX @Haydret @HeadofNyx @HellfireDancing @HeroAndy214 @Herodark @imIcyWind @Isadomon @IssaSnipe @Iviqrr @Izoxie @J-Nelson @jankyjunko @JayuTab @jellymeyer @Jkjrrated @JordanHillArt @JoshikoF @Kaibyaku @Kanori-Sauce @khicher @Kichijiro @KieAtelier @Kiwiko09 @L1mzal @LaithozWorld @lenydrawsx @LimaBream @LittleViktoria @LobsterMango @Lordkingu @LovenSefu @LucaTheHuman @luSZtar @MakiSchleim @Makoart18 @massivemarioluigi700 @MaxwellMadison @MaziqArtGround @MikhailKaminsky @MintyMinus @Missy-Meow @MisterFatso @Mockument @mogy64 @monquu @MonsieurZim @MonsterSol @moongoat425 @mouthfullofcherries @Namhain-eroart @nek0ai @Neosoda @NethermanMC @NickSenny @NicoGGHere @NigelsPearTree @Nim-Ations @NocturneReverie @NolandNG @NoobPanda4 @NoodleDoodlesLewds @NORONIKO @Noshilo @nuclear-smash @OBBazaar @ohmyseki @OmegaLuxifer @Oni-Garth @orenji-sama @Orlek-sketch @Oxy3 @Patosky @pearlnecklace @PerKGrok @PhantomZ2 @pizza602 @pointlessfield @PoisonLion @poppyjewl @Prawn4ever @predatorboss512 @pukijr @Quarujee @QueenKami @RafaTheBeat @RatKingdomComix @RebeccaDoodles @redogna @Ribbon-Dove @riversouls @Schreckengast @Shadowcat5150 @Shine-art @SinL0rd @sketchdumb @SketchOverseer @skid181 @SleepyPine @SOLjack-arts @SomeTinyCritter @Sony-Shock @Sophex @SpikeyLotus @squareofthelightones @SSNormandie @starlocodraws @suicitem @SuperPhil64 @TamashiHoshi @TediousFruit @TheDyingSun @TheHauntressX @thelitterbx @thenewkid007 @TheOtherSider @TheSlimyDude @TioKing03 @Titilonic @ToriToshi @Tripea @Underdragion @Veinom @whothefuckisjojo @WisteriaTea @WomAnime @X-TNT @XavsArt55 @Xisterie @ya-boi-pip @YourGuyTheOTi @ZetaSpiral @Zollo911

Also, something cool is on the horizon :0


More on that later~!

(art by @hcnone)

Talk to you all soon~! ^^



Posted by Xinxinix - January 11th, 2021

I was going to write an update about life and things, but instead, here's my compiled lists of favorites from 2020!

BEST OF 2020


Top 100 Favorite Art


Favorite Music


Top 15 Favorite Animations


Favorite Games

I play games the least, with only about 20ish being saved to playlists. Art had around 2,000 pieces saved, animation about 130, and music at 180ish submissions bookmarked. All of which I consolidated into a single list.

I hope everyone is doing well! Let me know your favorite sh*t from 2020!!

This year on Newgrounds was special for me, and it felt like so much has happened since last year.

The excitement for what's to come this year is too real T.T



Posted by Xinxinix - December 31st, 2020

I'll break this down into parts so no one has to read what they don't want to, and they can gleam whatever necessary information they want from this news post.

Got it? Got it. ^^


A Newgrounds Year In Review

- - -

Actually Being Active On Newgrounds

A brief history.

I haven't always been active on Newgrounds. Not even a lurking. I strayed from the site for around seven years during the more turbulent part of my life, and finally gravitated back towards Newgrounds when I was seeking more creativity and inspiration in my life. Everything from college to work life to friendships all felt lacking. There was some integral part of myself that has always held onto the dream of drawing or creating something of note, but I had no drive. Depression and anxiety habitually controlled my actions while I tried to figure out what I wanted for my life, and it felt like there was very little room to breathe. I watched as all my friends smoked weed and played video games 24/7, and once I saw myself falling into the same rut, I actually started to question the validity of who I thought I was as a person. It sucked.

That was when I started drawing comics with @Destructin, @Ozone, and @Template88 again. I just wanted to create something. There were times where I'd be completely distraught at my lack of ability, but what mattered in the end was actually creating. It was through that influence of seeing the power to make something that inspires my everyday routine-driven life that brought me back to Newgrounds.

Seeing people come together to create using whatever means available from programming to music to animation to art to voice acting to writing--it was mentally stimulating. I came back to Newgrounds because I craved seeing interesting people come together to make something--to make anything. It became addicting to see everyone's imaginations displayed through their veritable talents.

- - -

My First Commissioned Art (The Beginning Of Everything)

It was a steep slope from here, bois.

It was sometime in late February. I had been posting in the forums for about 8 months now, won a writing contest hosted by @Fro, genuinely shitposted and shared my opinions about mental health on the forums, and even entered into the My Friend Pedro competition here on Newgrounds. The BBS is where I came to recognize users like @SevenSeize, @WonderSchwifty, @Belthagor, @Wegra, @Sobolev, @Little-Rena, @Gremlin, and others. I met all kinds of whacky individuals who have honest to god personalities, whereas my work life gave me the same few personalities every day, so the forums gave me a relief from normalcy with their antics.

Writing reviews for Newgrounds content became a hobby and my art reviews started getting really in-depth (much more than they had to be lol.) My love for creativity and art became a big passion, and one day in late-February of 2020 I decided that I should put my money where my mouth was.

This was when I commissioned my first Newgrounds artist, @cashumeru. They were so nice and forth-coming about my support of their art, that I was whole-heartedly taken aback. I just wanted to support them, you know? And through commissioning cashumeru, my own work life felt more meaningful. At this point, I was working 60 hour work weeks and I couldn't really decide if it was worth it. But from supporting cashu's art, and eventually becoming friends, my purpose in life made more sense to me.

My experience with cashu led me to continue commissioning other fantastic Newgrounds artists including @MatthewLopz, @Kyuri08, @Oddlem, @Namenloose, @Stradomyre, @FuShark, and @MKMaffo, just to show my support and get some damn good art out of these talented individuals ^^

It's hard to fully describe what people making art means to me, but it definitely means the world to me. And the art community on NG has been nothing but responsive, welcoming, and supportive <3

- - -


Oh, boy. What a time to be alive.

@GRNDSBreaking EPISODE 1 was a heavy project.

60 hour work weeks were killer on my mentality, but I was fully prepared to continue working my ass off if it meant supporting artists. I had been listening to @TheNewgroundsPodcast, was relatively familiar with @ACoupleOfCrickets, and I wanted to take my support of art a big step forward. So I decided why not make a project that involved many aspects of the community.

Why not make it a whole presentation? Why not get voice actors, writers, and musicians involved to create a unique experience? Why not commission everyone like it's one big stimulus to the creative community here on NG?

Well, that's what I did ^^;

Initially I was spurred into action because I had a long conversation with @JohnnyGuy in the NGP server about how great the Newgrounds community was with helping him get out of his crappy living situation. After having that talk, I decided that I actually really enjoy talking to people and getting to know them.

So, I reached out to @MatthewLopz because I loved the unique variable contained within his art, and I asked if he wouldn't be down for an interview. He agreed, and then I started this big project where I had to make posts asking for everything I needed to create commercial break skits and allow for a genuinely creative and unique listening experience.

This was when I met @TrinaTan, @VoicesByCorey, @ZaPanda-VA, @hazencruz, @MechanicalTree, @Jorshes, @StefJohnVoiceOvers to form a team of writers and voice actors.

The amount of creativity was flowing and overseeing it all was a big deal to me.

GRNDSBreaking started, and then COVID hit, and then the Party Games server was created by @PsychoGoldfish, and I really started getting to know a lot of different personalities from Newgrounds. It blew my mind that the programmer from Newgrounds was such a funny guy (winning every f*cking jackbox game, btw) and how everyone was allowed to be goofy and weird. I fit right in, and I got to meet @Jacob, @Oddlem, @MrSnuggles, @Jatmoz, @SplatterDash, @HOTSTUFFDX, and many of the other friends I have today.

During COVID, I got to work on GRNDSBreaking for extended periods of time and hangout with everyone who was also in quarantine, and eventually EPISODE 1 was released and everyone started to be accustomed to who I was as a person: a f*cking degenerate art propagator that hates cribbage >:(

No, but seriously. Everyone I've met and come to know has honestly been really fulfilling...

I took my experience from GRNDSBreaking and made Art Talks, where I literally just talked into a microphone so I could gush my over-empowering love for art. The reception was incredible, because it's literally just me, a dude, deciphering and defining my feelings for particular artists, and they showed a lot of appreciation in return. Eventually Art Talks upgraded into Season 1 where I have guests on ^^;

All of this unique community experience was only made possible because of the wonderful people of Newgrounds.

- - -

Block Party 2020

Haha, yeah. Geezus christ, this was fun ^^;

@TheNewgroundsPodcast Block Party... what a trip, man...

I think I reached out to at least 50 artists? Some didn't reply, some couldn't make it, and others made it last minute. There is a very organized list of the participating artist as well as the art that came out of it. Shout out to @Stradomyre for commemorating the event with his group drawings ^^

The amount of positive feedback I received from the Block Party was incredible...

@WillKMR reached out to me initially to plan it in 8 days, and I was like "uhhhhhhh, ok," but we ended up pushing the event back and tying it into the pARTy Contest I hosted this year. Within a month and a week(ish) I reached out to almost every Newgrounds artist I knew (I know so many more now lol) and eventually we had a huge success with 26 artists streaming, and a f*ckton of listeners. At some point during @Cubesona, @rtil, @Inknettl, and @hcnone's stream, the voice chat was full and nobody else could join--something we have to work on for next year ^^;

The list of areas needed for improvement as well as personal experience from hosting can be found here.

Huge shout out to the Swag group @StaggerNight, @MKMaffo, @Oddlem, @LobsterMango, @RGPAnims, @Kyuri08, @Snackers, and @Cymbourine, the YOLO group of @cashumeru, @PepperoniRavioli, @Namenloose, @ookiyo, @papstuko, and @arkoirisangel, the Technical Difficulty group of @Shamfoo, @LoganPhresh, @YeloRed, @MisMash, @Stradomyer, @Potatoman, @ThePsychoSheep, and @OolongEarlGrey, and finally the Random Dude From Florida And Others group of @Cubesona, @hcnone, @Inknettl, and @rtil.

They were awesome groups of people and they all brought their best spirits ^^

The event went really smoothly, except RIP to @LoganPhresh's experience </3

After everything was said and done, @GoodL, @WillKMR, and @PsychoGoldfish reached out to me to be a part of @TheNewgroundsPodcast and we've been collaborating ever since!

I really can't explain how much fun it's been getting to hangout and talk with everyone.

- - -

Newgrounds Secret Santa 2020


If you haven't checked out the Newgrounds Secret Santa Reveal Party thread yet, do it.

I keep saying 377 drawings were made, but that was actually just the number of artists that finished theirs on time. There's actually more around 430 art pieces at this point, with some late submissions, some being multiple drawings, and some being back-up art, created by everyone who participated.

The Naughty & Nice List has been compiled for easy viewing ^^

I've said this many times before, but seriously, shout out to @Template88 for being a major help. They drew everyone's icon and helped me organize everyone's name on a spreadsheet while randomizing their Secret Santa.


The awards are as follows:

@BuhlBoy - Most Casual Dresser

@cyangorilla - Most Influential And Casual Art Savant

@HEKILLZALOT - The Secret Secret Santa Brigade Member: Side-Line Aficionado

@KOLANI - Best Boi, But Also Big League Champ

@NeoD-ray - Poshest

@Onosse - Fanciest Shoes/Pointy Lad

@Roksim - Best Dragon

@solitonmedic - Tallest OC

@TamashiHoshi - Farthest Bedtime

@Template88 - Tired And Broken

@Xinxinix - Why Didn't He Just Use Google Drives ????

Thank you everyone for this year's Secret Santa. I appreciate everyone that participated to craft a unique experience that I can't wait to host again next year ^^

- - -

I'll be compiling a Favorite Art of 2020 list within the next few days, but for now, here's my favorite animations.

Favorite Animations This Year:

GENTLES by @Jaquin

The Lighthouse Girl by @rtil

The Finale by @ChutneyGlaze

Starting Point by @BlueBread

The House Inside Her Head by @AntonM

ENA - Extinction Party by @JoelG

"JOKER" but it's Goofy and Winnie by @moonshineanimations

Final Fantasy 7 Collab by @PhantomArcade and everyone else

What's in the Bathtub? by @Bassetfilms

Among U by @LittleCuteCorpse

OCCUPIED by @BoyPorcelain

my teacher is hot (music video) by @diegoastier

A Pizza My Heart by @AfroNinja360

Everybody Loves Purple! by @doggybag

Garfield Ate the House by @F-Snake

And that's it!

A big shoutout to the NG community for being so accommodating of me, and an even bigger shout out to everyone who makes it what it is!!

Here's to an epic New Year!!!! ^^



Posted by Xinxinix - December 25th, 2020


A BIG, HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who finished on time.

You're all heroes in my eyes <3


Dec. 24th 11:59pm PST

# of entrants: 415

Completion Rate: 377 (90.8%)

Response Rate: 397 (95.7%)

You will find out who your Secret Santa is down below,

and who drew but didn't receive a gift.

(Back-Up Artists Wanted!)

- - -

Naughty List

Did not finish on time.

Those on the Naughty List: I am not posting your late drawings for you!

It is up to you to post them to the Secret Santa Reveal Thread, appropriately. I will update your status as needed!

@Adamas28 (drawing for @Schiive) [completed late!] +

@AuraMXster (drawing for @cool-dude-1) [no response!] -

@ChibiWilli (drawing for @Tsundere-Q) [completed late!] +

@ChopanTheFreak (drawing for @AC1D-Y0RU) [no response!] -

@CoatiNasu (drawing for @Gulthrax) [needs more time!]

@cool-dude-1 (drawing for @BandAidStudios) [failed!] -

@CoolCatDaddio (drawing for @scrungis-y2k) [needs more time!]

@CyanSpyder (drawing for @kindlygator) [completed late!] +

@DaFoolishMonkey (drawing for @MrFancyLan) [completed late!] +

@Davidanimationslel (drawing for @mikelzNG) [completed late!] +

@FriendlyClowns (drawing for @Saminat) [completed late!] +

@GenuinePolish (drawing for @themaskedmonocle) [completed late!] +

@Hiroaki-Infreterios (drawing for @10000Hawks) [no response!] -

@InkiStudios (drawing for @mstyttk) [no response!] -

@irri (drawing for @cyangorilla) [failed!] -

@JavaJake (drawing for @Waffle1up) [completed late!] +

@MintyFreshThoughts (drawing for @DuttonsaysHi) [no response!] -

@Mitchelf (drawing for @Triibot) [completed late!] +

@MoonlightADMIN (drawing for @Icy64) [failed!] -

@NIXOYE (drawing for @Observator) [no response!] -

@OctoNG (drawing for @TheSparkledash) [failed!] -

@Oddlem (drawing for @CoatiNasu) [completed late!] +

@onesuchkeeper (drawing for @Pastelc0re) [completed late!] +

@OniShaggy (drawing for @Fab-FFZ) [failed!] -

@p00phead (drawing for @LwRichard) [no response!] -

@Pciphidic (drawing for @SacKydz12) [no response!] -

@Pedrovin (drawing for @TheIcarusCrisis) [failed!] -

@soyboi1 (drawing for @DunkeyKong) [no response!] -

@sTeVtheStEv (drawing for @FodderLabs) [failed!] -

@Stinkychan (drawing for @Scorchle) [completed late!]

@suxass (drawing for @BluMint) [failed!] -

@TheSlimyDude (drawing for @EpithetSoup) [failed!] -

@ThinKingArt (drawing for @sanakito) [no response!] -

@Tsundere-Q (drawing for @vinny401) [no response!] -

@xXToonyBoyoXx (drawing for @Bloxed) [no response!] -

@ytfvgrwy7iebeywugcbe (drawing for @coystags) [no response!] -

@ZaikaVirus (drawing for @DavidAragon95) [failed!] -

These results will reflect on your entry for next year's Secret Santa.

- - -

Nice List

Drew for someone, and their Secret Santa flaked.

Just in case you didn't see it, @Template88 drew everyone's character an icon.

But, for artists looking to return the favor of an individual gift, I have everyone's references below ^^

If you would like to draw for someone, please say who in the comments below!

@10000Hawks --[reference] (gifted by @PowerTQueen & @cboy4001!)

@AC1D-Y0RU --[reference] (gifted by @CoolCatDaddio & @coystags!)

@BandAidStudios --[reference] (gifted by @Gulthrax!)

@Bloxed --[reference] (gifted by @TheIcarusCrisis & @coystags!)

@BluMint --[reference] (gifted by @TamashiHoshi!)

@coystags --[reference] (gifted by @Helmyir!)

@cyangorilla --[reference] (gifted by @Roksim & Esmachmat!)

@DavidAragon95 --[reference] (gifted by @cyangorilla!)

@DunkeyKong --[reference] (WIP by @ProfessorClockwork) (gifted by @coystags!)

@DuttonsaysHi --[reference] (WIP by @Icy64)

@EpithetSoup --[reference] (gifted by @DrewEsse!)

@Fab-FFZ --[reference] (WIP by @BuhlBoy) (gifted by @Skoops!)

@FodderLabs --[reference] (gifted by @GoldBattousai & @Skoops!)

@Icy64 --[reference] (gifted by @TheSparkledash!)

@LwRichard --[reference] (gifted by @coystags)

@MrFancyLan --[reference] (WIP by @DavidAragon95)

@mstyttk --[reference] (gifted by @sanakito!)

@Observator --[reference] (gifted by @Onosse, @Skoops & @Esmachmat!)

@SacKydz12 --[reference] (gifted by @GoldBattousai!)

@Saminat --[reference] (gifted by @GoldBattousai!)

@sanakito --[reference] (gifted by @themaskedmonocle!)

@Scorchle --[reference] (WIP by @MANUNAM)

@TheIcarusCrisis --[reference] (gifted by @Rost-Kilroy!)

@themaskedmonocle --[reference] (gifted by @Gulthrax!)

@TheSparkledash --[reference] (WIP by @BluMint) (gifted by @cboy4001!)

@vinny401 --[reference] (gifted by @Bro-son33!)

- - -

What I learned

I learned a lot, lol.

Next year, the requirements for joining the Secret Santa will be a bit more strict, concise, and straight-forward. I apologize for the all the inconveniences and miscommunication. This Secret Santa was not expected to blow up as it did, and I was much under-prepared to handle it, but still somehow we managed.

This endeavor would have been much harder if it wasn't for @Template88's help. @KOLANI, @cyangorilla, @HEKILLZALOT, @BuhlBoy, @NeoD-ray, @Onosse, @Roksim, @solitonmedic, and @TamashiHoshi all reached out to me to help post the drawings, as well. We managed to stay up to 12am PST and post drawings for over an hour and a half. Sleep deprived, backs hurting, and slightly delusional, the Secret Santa Brigade pulled through to ensure everyone's drawings were delivered on time.

Minor hiccups aside, I gotta say, this year was an amazing experience and I can't wait for next year's!!

Merry Artmas, everyone.

We did it <3



Posted by Xinxinix - December 13th, 2020


includes: FAQ, Help Wanted!, and an update of who's completed theirs


Frequently Asked Questions

- - -

Q: Should I sign my Secret Santa?

A: Absolutely! I suggest signing your Secret Santa in a format of "From: [your username]" and "To: [your Secret Santa]"

- - -

Q: The quality of the image I sent you in a PM stinks! What's my workaround for this?

A: I recommend using https://www.newgrounds.com/dump and then sending the link over to me if you're worried about preserving the original drawing's quality. It will keep the drawing at an optimal level.

- - -

Q: Can I upload the drawing to my profile eventually?

A: A BIG YES ! I would love nothing more than for everyone to upload their Secret Santa art on the 25th or later <3

- - -

Q: Is the person who I'm drawing, also drawing mine?

A: Nope! Everyone was matched up randomly so that no one will have a clue as to who their Secret Santa is ^^

- - -

Q: When and where will I be able to view these drawings? And will they know it was me that drew it?

A: I plan on uploading them to the forums on Christmas Day (Dec. 25th) with help from other users. The format of the upload will probably be "For [Secret Santa's username] by [artist's name]" with everyone being @ tagged.

- - -

Q: Is there any way I can help?

A: Actually, yes~! See Help Wanted below!

- - -

Help Wanted

Oh, hey there~!

I have a serious big appreciation for everyone who has been reaching out, and @Template88 and I pretty much have everything covered, BUT, I'm going to need help posting to the forums on December 25th, so that we can get everyone's drawing up in an optimal fashion.

If you are interested in helping post the drawings for December 25th please add me on Discord at Xinxinix#8147 and send me a message!

I will hand out groups of Secret Santa drawings and coordinate it so we can flood AN ENTIRE THREAD with Christmas Cheer! This way, anyone who is interested in seeing the absolute wholesome quality of all the artists who committed their time for drawing for someone else can be seen in one place <3

- - -

Completion Update

First off, a big thank you to everyone who stopped quoting the master tag list.

Second off, here's an update using the master tag list:


@10000Hawks (completed) +

@AC1D-Y0RU (completed) +

@Adamas28 (responded)

@AigisAnamana (completed) +

@AlcaNG (completed) +

@Aled1918 (completed) +

@Aleysis (completed) +

@alfigreen (completed) +

@AllSeeingHat (completed) +

@AmazingGuy123 (completed) +

@AnEvilHeat (completed) +

@AnimatedAF (completed) +

@Antizombieproduction (completed) +

@AquaBlock68 (completed) +

@arandomintern (completed) +

@Arbiter451 (completed) +

@argile (completed) +

@ArtbyHart (completed) +

@AuraMXster (no response) -

@AXOLOTLE (completed) +

@Baetalicma (completed) +

@BajaJane (completed) +

@BananaBreadBoi (completed) +

@BandAidStudios (completed) +

@BargonSpaceman (completed) +

@Bayan-the-Cat (completed) +

@bbcomics (completed) +

@Behon (completed) +

@Berb-half (completed) +

@Bergasmaschi (completed) +

@Betofall (completed) +

@BigBeefyBlue (completed) +

@BigK1337 (completed) +

@BigTexasTony (completed) +

@BingoWaders (completed) +

@bitcat (completed) +

@BLEVINSSTYLE (completed) +

@BloodMoonCrow (completed) +

@Bloxed (completed) +

@BluMint (completed) +

@BombsAhoy (completed) +

@BowlOfBugs (completed) +

@brethesheep (completed) +

@Bro-son33 (completed) +

@BudderDaze (completed) +

@BuhlBoy (completed) +

@Burian (completed) +

@BustyRusty (completed) +

@CacklingPumpkins (completed) +

@CandySweetssJr (completed) +

@captaingoosehead (completed) +

@Carbonwater (completed) +

@CarterSterling (completed) +

@CastPH (completed) +

@cAywall (completed) +

@cblue8282 (completed) +

@cboy4001 (completed) +

@cCuntu (completed) +

@cdbzoom (completed) +

@chahleybros (completed) +

@Chasquared (completed) +

@ChazDude (completed) +

@chibipyro (completed) +

@ChibiWilli (responded)

@ChillyBite (completed) +

@ChocodoThyBird (completed) +

@ChopanTheFreak (no response) -

@ChrisStarFer (completed) +

@CircleDude (completed) +

@CoatiNasu (responded)

@cocoloco3412 (completed) +

@CodySmith69 (completed) +

@Coffeeandhoney13 (completed) +

@Colilite (completed) +

@ColonelZach (completed) +

@CommonCrow (completed) +

@ConnorGrail (completed) +

@cool-dude-1 (responded)

@CoolCatDaddio (responded)

@Coolkitten13 (completed) +

@corpsecake (completed) +

@CowFDoodles (completed) +

@coystags (completed) +

@Cr3mino (completed) +

@CrashCanTheMan (completed) +

@CreamBouo (completed) +

@creditcrazy-channel (completed) +

@CutterHill (completed) +

@cyangorilla (completed) +

@CyanSpyder (no response) -

@Cynical2DD (completed) +

@CzySzy (completed) +

@D3writo (completed) +

@DaFoolishMonkey (responded)

@Davidanimationslel (responded)

@DavidAragon95 (completed) +

@DeadBeatCraig (completed) +

@Deergenerate (completed) +

@DefectiveFox (completed) +

@DemonLizardman (completed) +

@DextaGethood (completed) +

@DiscoGuyOYeah (completed) +

@DoctorGrambo (completed) +

@dokikeropi (completed) +

@DoomJelly (completed) +

@DrakoCreator (completed) +

@DrewEsse (completed) +

@drewlewis209 (completed) +

@Drowsierstone (completed) +

@DucclyDumbo (completed) +

@DunkeyKong (completed) +

@DuttonsaysHi (completed) +

@Edlus (completed) +

@Elerdon (completed) +

@elweyquecomenta (completed) +

@Emmerhoofd (completed) +

@EOCvevo (completed) +

@EpithetSoup (completed) +

@Esmachmat (completed) +

@EyeSores (completed) +

@Fab-FFZ (completed) +

@FakingDack (completed) +

@FaresIsHere (completed) +

@fart-creator (completed) +

@feelinara (completed) +

@FerdiFifAM (completed) +

@fink-loane (completed) +

@Finn-dHope (completed) +

@Flannagan-the-Red (completed) +

@FlexFilth (completed) +

@FodderLabs (completed) +

@footbolhelmoot (completed) +

@fredbearplaz (completed) +

@FRIEND711 (completed) +

@FriendlyClowns (responded)

@funnee (completed) +

@fusiondemon511 (completed) +

@fuzzydip (completed) +

@G-manJr (completed) +

@GameMastar1 (completed) +

@GCDfilmcrew (completed) +

@GeloxLP (completed) +

@GenuinePolish (responded)

@goeliath2 (completed) +

@GoldBattousai (completed) +

@GrayAnimations (completed) +

@greenminthead (completed) +

@GreenRiissan (completed) +

@GregSargor (completed) +

@GreysNewgrounds (completed) +

@GrodyGrungus (completed) +

@GTmart (completed) +

@Guileness (completed) +

@Gulthrax (completed) +

@GusM-NG (completed) +

@HAL0GUY (completed) +

@HardKoba (completed) +

@HarpyCarp (completed) +

@haxzie (completed) +

@HEKILLZALOT (completed) +

@Helmyir (completed) +

@HeroLova (completed) +

@Hesiolite (completed) +

@Hiroaki-Infreterios (no response) -

@HoodieCat (completed) +

@hpargonohp (completed) +

@HyperJam (completed) +

@HyperTehFox (completed) +

@Icy64 (completed) +

@ImCurioso (completed) +

@ImprimezNG (completed) +

@indecisivegremlin (completed) +

@InkiStudios (no response) -

@InkLemonade (completed) +

@irri (responded)

@itsabluebanana (completed) +

@JavaJake (no response) -

@Javejo (completed) +

@Jaxks (completed) +

@JCaluger (completed) +

@JordanKinsley (completed) +

@JosephToolBag (completed) +

@JRetrioX (completed) +

@Jumjumbalaya (completed) +

@KayEf (completed) +

@khicher (completed) +

@kindlygator (completed) +

@KingBaller06 (completed) +

@KingShada (completed) +

@Kofina (completed) +

@KOLANI (completed) +

@KonanSaurus (completed) +

@KoriKoritas (completed) +

@Kyuri08 (completed) +

@LaloDeLaSoul (completed) +

@lancethehunter987 (completed) +

@LazyBlueHorse (completed) +

@leakyduck (completed) +

@Lee7End (completed) +

@LimeHazard (completed) +

@LittleFeeler (completed) +

@LittleKnight90 (completed) +

@Lizme (completed) +

@LocalTrash (completed) +

@Loopsdaloop (completed) +

@luis (completed) +

@lukemin (completed) +

@LwRichard (completed) +

@MankeyManBling (completed) +

@MANUNAM (completed) +

@MarioPanic (completed) +

@MarshmallowCat53 (completed) +

@MasterTetsuya (completed) +

@Merkensteiner (completed) +

@micman77 (completed) +

@Mijoman (completed) +

@mikelzNG (completed) +

@milkyace (completed) +

@MintyFreshThoughts (no response) -

@misterbright (completed) +

@Mitchelf (responded)

@MKMaffo (completed) +

@moewales00 (completed) +

@MoonlightADMIN (responded)

@MrFancyLan (completed) +

@MrShmoods (completed) +

@mstyttk (completed) +

@Mutabloom (completed) +

@MX-107 (completed) +

@NanyDonovan (completed) +

@narutovt (completed) +

@NatNecro (completed) +

@NDuart (completed) +

@nek0ai (completed) +

@NeoD-ray (completed) +

@NeroGalvano (completed) +

@Nicolukas123456 (completed) +

@NigelsPearTree (completed) +

@nikkinacks (completed) +

@Ninjoj (completed) +

@Nitoba137 (completed) +

@NIXOYE (no response) -

@NoahJustNoah (completed) +

@Nofienet (completed) +

@Nokkorone (completed) +

@NOLNIR (completed) +

@Noonfish (completed) +

@NumbNate (completed) +

@OBBazaar (completed) +

@Observator (completed) +

@OctoNG (no response) -

@Oddlem (responded)


@OmBom (completed) +

@OneGrumpyLumpy (completed) +

@onesuchkeeper (responded)

@OniShaggy (responded)

@Onosse (completed) +

@OrchardPalace (completed) +

@Ozone (completed) +

@p00phead (no response) -

@Painted-Fruit (completed) +

@PajamaHam (completed) +

@Pancaketophat (completed) +

@papstuko (completed) +

@Paradox-Convict-2020 (completed) +

@Pastelc0re (completed) +

@Pciphidic (no response) -

@Pedrovin (no response) -

@PegasuTV (completed) +

@PencilArtistEnt (completed) +

@Phobotech (completed) +

@PieSaus (completed) +

@PixllBunnii (completed) +

@PKettles (completed) +

@pointlessfield (completed) +

@pompeyriley (completed) +

@PoundToundHound (completed) +

@PowerTQueen (completed) +

@predatorboss512 (completed) +

@ProfessorClockwork (completed) +

@Pummies (completed) +

@Pyronator (completed) +

@Queenhomestuck34 (completed) +

@Quiluxar (completed) +

@RachetNG (completed) +

@RafaTheBeat (completed) +

@redemer19 (completed) +

@rekt180 (completed) +

@RICTUS-ART (completed) +

@Riverboat-Films (completed) +

@Roanimations (completed) +

@Rob-Boss-Art (completed) +

@Roboguineapigultra (completed) +

@Roksim (completed) +

@Rost-Kilroy (completed) +

@rrydawg (completed) +

@Rustydoesstuff (completed) +

@RyanTheKat (completed) +

@Sabtastic (completed) +

@SacKydz12 (completed) +

@Saminat (completed) +

@SamSamSamSamArchive (completed) +

@SamuelChinOrozco (completed) +

@sanakito (completed) +

@ScepterDPinoy (completed) +

@Schiive (completed) +

@Schreckengast (completed) +

@Scorchle (completed) +

@Scrabble1897 (completed) +

@scribblepixels (completed) +

@scrungis-y2k (completed) +

@SealyGamer (completed) +

@SenInk666 (completed) +

@SereneMango (completed) +

@SharMarshall (completed) +

@ShockValueToons (completed) +

@SkeletorNG (completed) +

@Skippysgotmail (completed) +

@SkullPioneer (completed) +

@SleepyTights (completed) +

@slippie (completed) +

@SmoothSpook (completed) +

@Snackers (completed) +

@snailpirate (completed) +

@snowylychee (completed) +

@Snuffy666 (completed) +

@solitonmedic (completed) +

@SOLjack-arts (completed) +

@SomeApe (completed) +

@Sonicbot (completed) +

@Sony-Shock (completed) +

@SoulanNG (completed) +

@SOUNDBBABE (completed) +

@soyboi1 (no response) -

@SpaceshipLewis (completed) +

@spacie-chan (completed) +

@SpartanCat (completed) +

@Spicyshiba (completed) +

@squareofthelightones (completed) +

@SquashHead (completed) +

@STANNco (completed) +

@StarDustJarr (completed) +

@SteadWarhol (completed) +

@sTeVtheStEv (responded)

@Stickkidvboii (completed) +

@Stinkychan (responded)

@Stradomyre (completed) +

@Suicitem (completed) +

@suxass (responded)

@SysNicat (completed) +

@tavotabotato (completed) +

@tachu94 (completed) +

@TamashiHoshi (completed) +

@Tapersteve (completed) +

@TateWindom (completed) +

@TazzMChazzz (completed) +

@Template88 (completed) +

@ThaSpiciest (completed) +

@the-bestofme (completed) +

@TheDyingSun (completed) +

@TheGarbager619 (completed) +

@TheIcarusCrisis (completed) +

@themaskedmonocle (completed) +

@themightdodo (completed) +

@TheOctoberScarf (completed) +

@TheOve (completed) +

@ThePsychoSheep (completed) +

@TheRealReset (completed) +

@TheSketchyArtist (completed) +

@TheSlimyDude (responded)

@TheSparkledash (completed) +

@THETonegoy21 (completed) +

@ThinKingArt (no response) -

@tinybinny (completed) +

@tipsypaipai (completed) +

@TitaniumTree (completed) +

@toastyexe (completed) +

@ToastyGhostey (completed) +

@TomFoxComics (completed) +

@ToppleNG (completed) +

@Triibot (completed) +

@Tsundere-Q (no response) -

@tylercartoons (completed) +

@Tyro1301 (completed) +

@Unwrthy (completed) +

@urban-pyramid (completed) +

@Valtyen (completed) +

@VegaSlash (completed) +

@vidyazilla (completed) +

@vinnx4 (completed) +

@vinny401 (completed) +

@Vockwell (completed) +

@Vulgaar (completed) +

@Waffle1up (completed) +

@Warxwell (completed) +

@WatermelonArtistry (completed) +

@Wh0renet (completed) +

@Wibs (completed) +

@William-Rivera (completed) +

@Wizcarra (completed) +

@WMDCrimsonWolf (completed) +

@WonderSchwifty (completed) +

@WooDeeWoo (completed) +

@xArsonArts (completed) +

@Xinxinix (completed) +

@xXToonyBoyoXx (no response) -

@Yajuu (completed) +

@YonusBahtzee (completed) +

@ytfvgrwy7iebeywugcbe (no response) -

@ZaikaVirus (responded)

@Zalay (completed)

@Zarmakesart (completed) +

@ZeroStas (completed) +


# of entrants: 415

completion rate: 377 (90.8%)

response rate: 397 (95.7%)

ty very much everyone <3



Posted by Xinxinix - November 11th, 2020




(here on Newgrounds)


Art by @MKMaffo

Good luck to everyone participating~!
