I find myself suspicious from time to time just because the more mainstream sites are so ruthlessly capitalistic and uncaring about what their platforms do to their own users’ mental health and grip on reality. It’s still hard to believe that websites like Newgrounds exist that find a balance between supporting artists while not being an ad-spam free-for-all, and I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop with this “Tom Fulp” guy—a website owner that genuinely cares about the environment and isn’t just virtue-signaling for our money while actively promoting climate disinformation? Preposterous!
Still, the community here has been refreshingly friendly to me, personally. I just like the “vibe” here for the most part. It’s natural for me to perpetually be on my guard just because every other site is going down a dark, dark path, but it’s nice to be reminded of a time here when the Internet was supposed to be…fun?
How is it a “party”?